
Haben Sie auf Bestellungen internationalen Versand?

Kanchana Venkataramanan
Geändert am: Fr, 15 Jun, 2018 um 4:48 NACHMITTAGS

Your shipping costs when you buy items from a seller on depend on the type of product you buy.

Prices are based on shipping a single item. Buying multiple items from one seller can lead to multiple shipping costs.

For buyers within the United Kingdom, shipping costs and options vary by product and are listed in the table below unless otherwise stated in the seller's policies.

 International standardInternational Expedited
 (3 - 6 weeks)(3 - 7 business days)
Books$ 16.95 up to 1lb. $ 24.95 over 1 lb.$ 46.50
CDs, cassettes, vinyl$ 14.95$ 46.50
VHS video tapes$ 14.95$ 46.50
DVDs$ 14.95$ 46.50

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